Gradually grant more independence. Using digital media comes naturally to young people. They use digital media to communicate with friends and are not...
Make sure recreational activities are balanced. Make sure children do not spend all their free time with digital media but that they also engage in ot...
Guide your children in their use of media. In the media and digital world, children need to be guided by parents or others close to them. Observe the ...
Rekomandime për përdorimin e mediave dixhitale Kontaktin e tyre të parë me mediat dixhitale, fëmijët e fillojnë herët dhe kjo jo për faktin s...
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Dijital medyaların kullanımı için tavsiyeler Çocuklar dijital medyalarla erken yaşta tanışıyorlar, çünkü akıllı telefon, televizyon ve t...
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